Pilvi Dev Update – August

Our latest release will go live next week. This release will include major changes to our background processes while also introducing new concepts such as Invoices, Orders, Contracts.

We will also be rolling out a new documentation site with up-to-date information about the Platform. The documentation site will also include a changelog where you can see information on the latest changes.


The documentation in its current draft form is available at https://pilvicloud.github.io/pilvi-platform-doc/


More details about the changes are available on the changelog but here are some important things to note:

  • Messaging templates and Action Rules will be re-created for every Site, based on our new default preset. Your current message templates will stay visible on the Manager, but they won’t be used by default anymore. You can manually copy your desired changes from the old templates if that is something you want to do, or change the Action Rules to your liking. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  • Minimum billing period for Products is raised to 14 days. Products that are currently use a billing period below this, will be transformed to the new minimum of 14 days.
  • Services are now activated and renewed by paying the accompanying Invoices of their Contracts.
  • New payment option Invoice. At this time, allows you to create an Order and pay it at a later date.


Since this update includes changes throughout the system, some downtime is to be expected while the changes are rolled into production. We’ll do our best to minimize the downtime.